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The Documented Ex's

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Devil # 2

The Devil # 1

On the third month of our relationship I started noticing a change in him.
I could never put my finger on it other than it seemed that without doing much, I has some how become a bother to him. When I tried to talk to him all he would say was that everything was fine between us and that it was in my head.
I finally believed him because I exhausted every other effort to try to find out his mysterious behaviour.
Right about the time I stopped asking, was when he started disappearing.
He would get off work at 8pm, and then disappear until 8 am the next day when we would have class together.

I knew something was up at that point, and I assumed he was cheating on me.

I lived with that for 3 weeks before sitting down with him.
He had disappeared 6 times in those 3 weeks, and he went "home" for one of those weekends.

"I don't want to see you anymore" I said.
(A very hurt expression crossed his face)
"Why?" he asked.
(A very disbelieving expression crossed my face)
In my calmest voice, I explained to him about his disappearing acts, and his change of behaviour and I also explained to him that I didn't believe for a second that he went "home" for the weekend.

Pleading with me, he told me that while he hadn't been completely honest with me, he was not not cheating on me. He said that he had to go home because he was trying to sell his other car because he had gotten into horrible credit card debt that he was trying to get out of. He told me that he was driving his car to perspective buyers on the other nights and that usually he was home around 12, if I wanted to start coming over then. He thought that up until now, that I was probably asleep by then, and that he didn't want to wake me.

I trusted him, and told him to start calling me whenever he got in, so I wouldn't worry.

He agreed and we continued our relationship.


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