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The Documented Ex's

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

C & F

**currently having server problems which is why my pictures don't work

How do I begin?
This post is about cunnilingus.
There I said it.
When my S.O. first went down on me,
I found him horrible at it.
He apparently found me
fantastic at fellatio.

So after a few more times of trying
he must have realized that
I didn't really enjoy it.

So February, March, April, May pass by
I performed Fellatio
he was just fantastic at sex.
it kept me happy
and him as well.

So June starts.
One very drunk evening
He wanted to 69.
I found this odd after
February, March, April, May
But went for it anyway.

He was fantastic.
I decided it was either the 69 or the booze.
A few more times it happened that way.
Bad, to nothing, to fantastic and happening on a week to week basis.

Last week in June.
He's in Vegas.
He came back Monday.
It's been Monday and Tuesday.
Once it's happened drunk,
Twice it's happened sober,
And one of those sober times
wasn't 69.
He remained fantastic.

So tell me readers.
What makes a guy go from
horrible to fantastic
in a 4 month time span
while not practicing?

And what makes a guy go from
Once in awhile,
To 3 times in 48 hours?

I'm puzzled but happy.


Blogger Sunny Delight said...

maybe, he decided to do some research, or he is a quick learner, and learned your signals from that very first time, whatever it is...i say enjoy ;)

11:53 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sometimes it just happens like that. A switch in the brain flips, and suddenly you're into a girl.

He might have done some reading, as Sunny suggested. Equally, something that was on his mind might have disappeared.

Either way, the best action is to enjoy it. Knowing why isn't always smart.


8:01 PM  
Blogger lady miss marquise said...

Oh yes, I agree. Just lay back and enjoy!

Just found your blog...!

8:58 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

The drunkeness lowered his inhibition to the point he was comfortable with it and thus, better. Maybe he learned how from reading blogs.

6:11 AM  
Blogger sipwine said...

S.D.: He is a PhD student, which means a lot of research... :)

B. is C.: I'm pretty sure I don't want to cause trouble. What is that saying? Don't kick a gift horse in the mouth?

WB: I wonder if men get emotionally attached to women and then feel like they want to do that more? That was the only thing that I saw change. I agree though, knowing isn't always smart.

LMM: Welcome! :)

Phil: I wouldn't say blogs... I'd say he might have watched the right pornos. :)

8:18 AM  

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