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The Documented Ex's

Thursday, July 27, 2006
I'm sooo frustrated right now.

S.O. is busy and I haven't seen him since Sunday.
I'm trying to be REALLY understanding about this.
So far so good.
Only one text message and a phone call.

It is so hard though.
Especially when ladies in my office ask me how he's doing
and I say, "Good, I haven't really seen him since Sunday, cause he's busy"
Then they all get this look on their faces like, "Ut oh"

I finally caved today.
I sent him a text message that basically asked him to make time for me around 8 in the evening.
It wasn't that demanding, but pointed.
I'm leaving for St. Louis tomorrow and I won't be back until Tuesday.
I just don't want to go 8 days without seeing him when we live in the same town.
I probably shouldn't have.


Blogger Indiana said...

It's easy to read things into things when we aren't getting what we need from another...the hard thing is either changing our own expectations or leaving and finding someone who provides what we desire.

But wanting to see your bf is not being needy...I mean what is the point of dating if you never see each other.

12:09 PM  
Blogger sipwine said...

It's funny, as i was typing a response, S.O. called me, first time in 4 days. Apologized and told me what he had been up too in the last few days. I feel 100% better.

Yes, I agree with you though, if I wasn't getting what I needed out of a relationship consistently, then I would probably walk away. One week of hell, not so bad, two weeks of hell, a little straining, but still nothing to walk from. I think by the end of next week my S.O. will see a break in his storm.

1:13 PM  
Blogger sipwine said...

Well, I ended up seeing him. Just not in the way I had planned and I got news I didn't plan on.
Maybe thats why he was so distant all week.

6:14 PM  

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