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The Documented Ex's

Monday, July 24, 2006

Over the last 5 years.*

*sub-title 18 vs. 23

While 23 is young and 18 is very young, I still feel I've grown up somewhat (in relationships anyway) over the past 5 years. Here is some examples of how I've changed in romantic feelings.

At 18: I thought it was romantic for my boyfriend to sleep in while I got ready in the morning for class or work. I'd kiss him on the forehead whenever I left the apartment.

At 23: I find it incredibly romantic for my boyfriend to wake up, look at the clock, figure out that it's 7:15 am, look beside him and realize I'm asleep there, then remember that I had to be at work at 8 am, then wake me up, roll over and go right back to sleep.

At 18: I thought it was romantic when my boyfriend took me out to eat and make it his treat.

At 23: I find it romantic when my boyfriend cooks me dinner. Even more romantic: my boyfriend cooking for me because he knows I don't have a home and that I don't want to tread too much on my friend's kindness.

At 18: I thought it was romantic when my boyfriend spent one whole evening with me every weekend.

At 23: I find it romantic when my boyfriend wants to spend time with me and his friends at the same time. Even more romantic: When he wants to cuddle, and play with my hand when they can view it.

At 18: I thought it romantic when my boyfriend would get tipsy and then tell me things like "I think your the best girlfriend I've ever had."

At 23: I don't find my boyfriend getting so drunk that he's falling down, romantic. What I do find romantic is after he gets to that stage admitting things to me like, "The only reason I don't want you to help me out is because it's hurting my pride. I have a lot of male pride, I don't want it hurt." Then after saying that hoping into the shower and humping the door stating "You know you want it."

Saturday at 5 am I found myself standing in my S.O.'s bathroom, watching him hump a shower door, I was wide awake, so I was just patiently waiting on him to figure out that he didn't want to be in the shower. After humping grew old, he tried for 15 minutes to get me in the shower with him. I refused and finally he decided the towel I was holding was much better than the water he was in. I dried him off, dressed him, and all the while I got a mixture of "go to bed," "bitch," "thanks QSW," "Don't make me Danza slap you," "I really appreciate it" and so on.

At some point I would have stopped helping him if I really thought he didn't want it. Even calling me names I would just smile and say, "Oh I know, I'm a horrid bitch." Then he would argue that I wasn't.

So interesting how the idea of intimacy and romantic behavior changes as you grow up.


Blogger lady miss marquise said...

I'm confused, why was he humping the shower door?

*looks perplexed*

9:03 PM  
Blogger sipwine said...

Because I was on the other side of the shower door. At his drunken state, opening a door was difficult but humping it was not.

9:06 PM  
Blogger lady miss marquise said...

Ah, I get it now!

3:25 PM  

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