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The Documented Ex's

Friday, July 07, 2006

So... this happened last week, but it's being shared today because today marks another day where my S.O. leaves me for Chicago.

So last week I was waiting outside of my S.O.'s apartment for M.W.
She was to pick me up and make me dinner since 1.) I had no car
and 2.) I was lonely because I had not seen S.O. for 5 days.

I was sitting downstairs, outside the coffee shop where I use to work and where I met S.O. when R.L. came walking around the corner talking on his cell phone.
He said hello as he walked past, but he was talking in Russian to someone on the phone.
I sat outside thinking to myself that it wasn't fair to S.O. that I stared that hard at his ass when he walked past, when he came back with an espresso and cigarettes.

He was off his cell phone by this point, and as he walked towards me, I knew his plan was to sit right next to me.
He did, and as he started talking to me, I tried with all my might not to think of him naked.
This was fairly hard to do, and eventually I caved.
He was wearing loose jeans but a shirt that showed every dip and curve on his very musclar chest. I even watched, much to my horror, his shirt raising up to reveal a very sexy hip dip as he went for his cigarettes in his pocket.

He asked me were my S.O. was, and I refrained (luckily) from saying "who?"
I told him, and then he told me a story about his work place and yadda yadda, who knows, his accent was the only think I was listening too.

Right about the time I was side glancing watching him sip his espresso (his goatee came up and just slightly brushed the demitasse cup) M.W. pulled up to pick me up.

I (maybe more quickly than I should of) excused myself.

I got to the car, and M.W. waved hello to R.L.

We drove off.

About 3 minutes into our silence, M.W. says, "Damn, he's hot."

I didn't have to ask who she meant.


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