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The Documented Ex's

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

This past weekend.

This past weekend (and week)was eventful to say the least.
With S.Y. coming back into town I feel like I didn't breathe alone more than two minutes since last Tuesday. On top of that Friday and Saturday night I got felt up at the bars we were at. I didn't dress up or wear something revealing, but apparently my ass was just asking to be grabbed. So between that and S.Y. behaving like a two year old, I feel happy I'm dating someone who is more mature than that.

Harry: No man can be friends with a woman he finds
attractive. He always wants to have sex with her.
Sally: So, you're saying that a man can be friends with a woman he finds unattractive?
Harry: No, you pretty much want to nail them too.

Some boyfriends in the past have asked me to stop hanging out with S.Y. and I.D.
Sometimes I have.
Especially S.Y., he has a hard time remembering his boundaries when he's drunk.

S.O. is a lot different in this regard. He's already made mention how he's happy I allow him to do what he wants and I'm not overly jealous.
I realized this weekend that S.O. does the same for me.
I am pretty damn honest when it comes to S.Y. and telling S.O. about him.

When S.Y. came up to me and asked, "Where's S.O.?" (S.O. was sitting beside me)
I introduced the two of them to each other.
S.O. is polite and straightforward and for most, instantly charming.
I was worried it wouldn't be the same for S.Y.
I was right.
S.O. persevered though. Talked to him for 5 or 6 minutes like a saint.
S.Y. looked like he was sulking.
I.D. looked at me like, "I told you so."
After those horrible minutes, S.O. went back to talking to a girl from his office.
I went back to talking to S.Y. and I.D.
After about 15 minutes, S.Y. says, "Wow, your boyfriend is so talkative, he hasn't said a word to us."
S.Y. was sulking.
(S.O. is fairly good-looking and has a great personality.)
I was about to roll my eyes at him when S.O. comes back to my side of the table and directly talks to S.Y.
He made it so S.Y. had to have a conversation with him.
Soon after S.O. quietly says something like, "Are you getting tired?"
I wasn't, but I told him I was ready to go when he was.

S.Y. could sit there and sulk for all I cared.
I.D. said, "goodbye dear" and kissed me on the forehead.
S.Y. said nothing.


Blogger Indiana said...

I have only one ex with whom I am still friends, the others slowly went the way of nothingness as we both really moved on and found new romantic outlets...which is maybe the way it's supposed to be.

But I agree with Harry, men and women cannot be 100% friends...there is always the under current of sexual tension, though it will be denied.

Ohh and the one whom remains a friend I really think that is because of a very strong shared faith. ~pity the sex was crap~

12:35 PM  
Blogger sipwine said...

S.Y. isn't really an ex. We've never formally dated. We've flirted with the idea, maybe skirted around the edges, but the closest we came was one evening of drunk kissing.

Which is why I believe Harry when he says that.

I hate that, when everything is good but the sex.

1:14 PM  
Blogger Indiana said...

It's almost as bad as the situation where the sex is great but everything else sucks...

I wonder why we stay in the good-sex situations longer...or is it that sex really is that important to us and relationships and we are all living in modern-denial about it?

1:28 PM  
Blogger sipwine said...

Sorry, you inspired an entire blog post with that question.

3:05 PM  

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