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Cast of Characters

Guitar Hero Irish Drinker Married Man Married Woman The Ex Not Gay Seven Years Matt Fabulously New Red Hot Mama 

The Documented Ex's

Friday, July 21, 2006

Update on the characters:

Significant Other: Is now a S.O. of seven months. Currently stressed to the max to get his dissertation done and I have not been able to see him much because of it. I have fallen for him completely but am too chicken shit to admit to him. He probably knows anyway.

Married Woman & Married Man: I’m currently living with both of them. I am homeless for 4 weeks and they have graciously let me stay in their spare bedroom. I also have no car, so they have loaned me one of theirs. I also have no place for all my stuff, so it’s in their garage. Basically, without them I’d be lost completely. I have no idea how I would ever repay them for all they have done for me.

Irish Drinker: Only recently have I realized that Irish Drinker and I have become very close. I’ve always trusted him and called him a good friend, but it took Seven Years to move away before I confided in him completely. I wish I had known him this well a long time ago.

The Ex: Actually it’s my turn to call. I forgot. I need to call him. My office knows him well and the other day one of my co-works brought me a picture of him. Gee. Thanks. He still is working at Amazon all top secret.

Not Gay: Not Gay is still having a lot of problems getting a girl. Part of the problem, he doesn’t trust them. Part of the problem is he refuses to go out and meet them. Part of the problem most of the time I go out with him and one girl wards off other girls no matter how far away I stand from him. Part of the problem, he flirts with me more than he should.

Seven Years: I don’t have much to say about him. A friend once told me, “You two are like When Harry met Sally, except you just don’t realize it yet, so you treat each other like shit.” Maybe there is some truth to that statement.

Big Pervert: Thankfully I’ve not had to deal with him very much. S.O. tells me stories about how he goes on and on about a co-worker’s underwear and yadda yadda…. I’m thankful I only have to listen to the re-told summed up version of the story.
*Update: This weekend I hung out with him and with my S.O.for a good amount of time. The guy is still a pervert, but is turning out to be a very nice one.

Argentinean Man: I think S.O. is trying to keep me away from him after the last outing with him. The last outing involved me getting my face grabbed by him and being forcefully made out with.

Tall Boy: Tall boy has a girlfriend and no one has seen him since.

M Squared: I see him on campus all the time and he always says hi. He seems like a nice guy, but I just don’t know him that well.

Russian Lover: HE SHAVED HIS HEAD. I was so upset when I saw it. So upset that S.O. finally said something like, “Why do you care so much?”
I started behaving after he said that.


Blogger lady miss marquise said...

This is hysterical... and thank god for friends who allow you to live at theirs. I'm still homeless, and living on a sofa.
Roll on Sept 1st!

4:12 PM  
Blogger Crazybeautiful said...

Just yesterday I was pondering all of the characters in your blog. And which by the way I love reading your blog.

1:12 AM  
Blogger Phil said...

You have an interesting cast of characters. It's funny that you've turned into Dupree.

12:46 PM  
Blogger sipwine said...

L.M.M.: I'm so thankful for my friends. My S.O. is also letting me stay somewhat with him but he has another friend who's staying with him also. Everyone is without homes.

C.B.: Thank you! I'll put you on my blogroll next time I update it, I like your blog also.

Phil: I have turned into Dupree much to my shock :)

1:12 PM  

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