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The Documented Ex's

Thursday, August 24, 2006

100 post, turning points everywhere

So when something tramatic or dramatic happens to me, I usually keep quiet about it and don't tell anyone until I feel like I'm handling the situation well.
I think it's some kind of protective measure I do without realizing it.

So I.D., S.Y., M.M., and M.W. have all been in the dark about my life for the last 3 weeks.
M.M. and M.W. have been quite upset thinking something very serious was happening with me (which in a way they were right).


Coffee with M.W.:

Me: (to starbucks lady) Can I have a tall dark roast?
(turns to MW) I broke up with SO for another man.
Starbucks Lady: Anything else?
Me: No thanks but I think she wants something, (turns to MW and realize her mouth is wide open) MW? Coffee?
MW: (to starbucks lady very suddenly) COFFEE!
Me: You ok MW?
MW: QSW! You should have made this coffee break at least two hours if you are going to drop information like that in my lap. I need time to recover so I can be productive!

Drinks with I.D.:
I.D.: So you just walked away? Like... You didn't fight at all?
Me: No, I swear, he even asked if we should fight or something and I just laughed, hugged him goodbye and left.
I.D.: Shit woman.... I'm proud of you.

Discussion with brother:
Brother: Wait.. What?
Me: I broke up with S.O.
Brother: Shit we need to plan things better, we are going to give our mother a drama overload.
Me: What?
Brother: I just broke up with my girlfriend too.


Blogger Indiana said...

I had many a similar conversation...with my guy mates the response was..." you want another beer", my female friends wanted all the which the hardest thjing to accept is "it just wasn't right"...and most of the time that should be enough.

I think my Mum has resigned herself that she will never see her eldest settled down with someone.

7:37 PM  
Blogger Scorpy said...

I've just finished reading the last few posts and 'Phew' that is alot to get thru. I think you are very lucky to get out early and without fights and the like. Take care :)

5:36 AM  
Blogger Wombat said...

Yeah, reading Scorps has made me realize that you're the Teflon Dating Girl.

Nothing nasty sticks. Perfect.

9:27 AM  
Blogger sipwine said...

M.B.I.C: I think she still holds onto hope somewhere.

Indy: MW has been calling me every 15 minutes asking me more questions, ID has called me once and asked if I wanted to drink. Yeah, I definitely know how you feel.

Scorpy: It's funny, re-telling this story to people I know gets that same reaction 'Phew' :)

Wombat: Right now I wish I could change the blog title to "Teflon Dating Girl". That's hilarious. I try not to let nasty stuff ruin my future life, something that gives my mom hope because I can pick up again so easily.

10:48 AM  
Blogger lady miss marquise said...

Great post - I had dinner with my sister last night where we discussed her upcoming divorce and my lack of enthusiasm in dating, meanwhile my poor mother continues to think it was something *she* did... poor love.

And I loved the dropping of a bombshell like that! I can just imagine.

7:12 PM  
Blogger sipwine said...

It was fun to do, I'm not going to lie. :)

1:54 PM  

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