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The Documented Ex's

Thursday, August 31, 2006
I'm very excited.
Today I had my first meeting with what looks to be my very first freelance job.
The guy liked a lot of my stuff and had only minor suggestions on what he thought would look better.
I think freelance is one of those things where if you walk in acting like you know what you're doing, people will just believe you and like what you put in front of them.
When you're scared shitless, its very hard to put on a professional I-don't-care-if-you-don't-like-my-work-because-I-don't-need-you attitude.
I guess I pulled that off though, because by the end of the meeting he was talking about putting a couple of my designs on t-shirts, coffee cups, and business cards.

My life has done a complete make-over lately.
I think my next name will be "Casually Knocking-back Coctails"


Blogger sipwine said...

Thanks MBIC!:)

1:58 PM  
Blogger Indiana said...

It's all abotu making them believe you know what you are doing, and by the time they find out you don;t they will have spent too much money to not let you finish...

...damn do I have a professional business philosophy or not?

"If you're not part of the solution there is good money to be made in prolonging the problem"

7:22 PM  
Blogger Wombat said...

It's just an idea, but why not combine Boozehounding and design by creating a series of T-Shirts/coffee mugs etc saying:

I'm a Manhattan or

Mine's a Mojito or

Make me a Long Slow Screw on the Beach or

...well I guess you get the picture.

Suggested gratuity: 30% of the net.

*wondering if this is a Forrest Gump moment*

9:32 AM  
Blogger sipwine said...

Indy: I think that'll be my motto from now on. I love money, and I'm good at screwing up.

Wombat: Good idea I think I might try that... but, pardon my innocence, what is a "Long Slow Screw on the Beach?"

11:32 AM  

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