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The Documented Ex's

Monday, August 14, 2006
I've been horrible, but I should start at the beginning.

S.O. and I are both flirts.
When I dated EX, he use to make me feel very guilty for flirting with anyone (could have been a cop to get out of speeding ticket, yet I'd still be made to feel guilty).
When I first started dating S.O. I didn't flirt at all with anyone, until one day I realized he was doing it right in front of me.
I felt better after that, a little part of me was allowed to grow back.
Some of you might sound shocked, but flirting is a big part of anyone.
Everyone does it, and it's not healthy to kill it (I believe anyway).

That night I went from sitting and chit-chatting, back to a flirt.
S.O. noticed, and asked if it bothered me that he flirted (he thought I was being passive aggressive).
I said very seriously, "S.O., If you keep your cock in your pants and your tongue in your mouth, I honestly don't care who you flirt with."
He said the same thing (uh, only female parts and tongue), and I've heard him say to his friends (when they talk about their girlfriends), "Q.S.W. understands, she allows me to chase, as long as I don't do anything stupid."

I'll grant you that sometimes I feel I'm treading in murky waters, but I think that's a part of any relationship, trusting that your significant other has put you in safe waters and not dangerous ones.

Now my story.

I went out this weekend with my friends because it was one of my friend's last night here. I got a little tipsier than usual. I was an obnoxious flirt, I'd flirt with girls, guys, trees, I didn't care.

At one point, my brother's good friend shows up.
I KNOW at the back of my head that he likes me.
With some men, it's obvious.
If you are with someone,
stay away from those.

I start to flirt with him.
Let me just say, this guy is a really nice guy.
Not only that, he's sweet too.
And on top of all that, if I wasn't seeing S.O.
I might try to go for him.
And on top of all that, he has the same first name as S.O.
I start out my evening of flirting with him by saying,
"Is it cheating, if both of them have the same first name?" (I told you I was obnoxious)
Everyone laughs and everyone knows I'm seeing S.O. they've met him.
I am NOT leading on anyone.

Let the flirting begin.
It's like the game of chess.
The key is not to let it get to check or checkmate if you are seeing someone.
I try not to let it get to my side of the board.
Brother'sFriend cheated.
Every time I had my back turned flirting with a tree or bush (hey, I'm an equal opportunity flirter), he took a piece of mine away.
Until he said "check"
Not Fair.
I turned and left the game.
I showed up an hour earlier than intended to S.O.'s apartment.
He didn't ask any questions.
Until the text messaging started.
5 fucking text messages.
Brother'sFriend wanted to still play the game, and I tried like mad to shut it down.
I feel bad, I think he really likes me.

Thankfully, all S.O. said was, "another stalker of yours?"
I said yes, and told him it was a friend of my brother's and then curled up with him and passed out.

I still feel bad though, that one got out of hand.


Blogger Circe said...

I am quite flirty myself. Well, esp when tipsy..And TBC just freaks if I so much as look at a guy crosswise. Doing it in front of him just leads to arguments.

Yeah, sometimes it is hard to stay balanced in the flirt game.

5:50 PM  
Blogger Indiana said...

I think as long as you remember to also flirt with your guy, then most guys can handel's the jealousy of thinking another guy is getting any piece of you we aren't...kind of juvenile I konw, but we are guys we never claimed to be deep.

6:21 PM  
Blogger sipwine said...

Circe - I was in that sort of relationship, it was kind of tough on me, but it lasted two years.

9:00 PM  
Blogger sipwine said...

Indiana: I end up in S.O.'s bed every night, and he and I both flirt with each other while there are people around and when no one is around. Believe me, he's first priority when it comes to my attention. :)

9:02 PM  
Blogger Indiana said...

I realise you know that he is a priority...but does he know it?

I have been in a few situations where the girl believed she was showing me something, but that wasn't what I was seeing.

9:30 PM  

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