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The Documented Ex's

Monday, September 11, 2006
I’ve had somewhat of a writer’s block the past few weeks.

While I was dating SO, I was (on several occasions) lost and confused about what I was doing and where I was going with the relationship.
Looking back on it, I've noticed that it was a very cold relationship with spurts of warmth that would make me happy.
It was like sitting in a cold room and right about the time you start to feel the Goosebumps someone would throw a sweater or blanket on me. The sweater or blanket would always come off eventually leaving me in the cold room without Goosebumps…. Then the process would start over.

When that sweater would come on, or when I noticed Goosebumps, this blog would be my release from my thoughts. You, the audience, would comment and I would see the objective view to my life.

Objective views are always refreshing to me.

But now, I’m kind of lost on what to write here for the moment.
I’m in a constant state of happiness with no drama in my life.

That makes boring blog posts.

So if I don’t post as much as usual in the next week, please don’t worry, I’m hoping by next weekend (I go to Chicago to meet GH’s sister and husband) I’ll have something a little more interesting to write about.


Blogger Indiana said...

Yep, happines makes for a boring blog but a fantastic life...and we all really know which one is more important.

6:03 PM  
Blogger sipwine said...

True... I didn't think of it that way

9:34 AM  
Blogger Officially Fabulous said...

I agree with Indy! Congrats on the boring blog & have a great trip!!
~Fab : )

11:38 AM  
Blogger sipwine said...

Fab: Thank you! I agree with you on SO, I've stopped worrying awhile ago that I was rude that evening... I think I was forgetting that he doesn't matter that much anymore. I don't want to be rude, but yea, I don't have to bend over backwards.

1:44 PM  
Blogger sipwine said...

Good point, but they are so interesting to talk about... don't you think? ;)

3:46 PM  

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