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The Documented Ex's

Sunday, September 24, 2006
Last night GH was sick.
Cold and flu are running around campus like the plague.
He just had a cold, but felt bad.
So I told him to sit, while I made dinner.
It was 15 minutes later when we both realized that my brother's ex girlfriend (LLPA) was suppose to stop by for dinner and a movie.
She was to bring dessert and we were to provide dinner.
Orginially we were going to do something simple, but that didn't seem right since she was bringing french silk pie and chocolate peanut butter pie.

I pulled out the recipe book and got to work.
GH kept popping in offering to help, but I kept sending him back out to play Final Fantasy VII.

15 minutes left on the meal and LLPA knocked on the door.
Perfect timing.
I had made Mustard Chicken and Twice baked potatos in record time.

GH walked into the kitchen to let me know she had arrived and looked around his kitchen.
Spotless, with potatoes ready to go, and a wonderful smell coming from the oven, he looked amazed.
He said, "You know, I was wrong about you, I thought you were a Rockstar and wild and untamed, but you are just a homemaker at heart."
I smiled and said, "The Rockstar front is just to protect myself from men."
"Oh I know," he said "I love both sides of you."
Feeling like someone was getting to the core of me and remembering that LLPA was still waiting out in the living room, I turned his shoulders, smacked his butt, and said, "Go."

Secretly I was very pleased.


Blogger Indiana said...

It is pretty cool when someone actually finally "gets us"...sounds like you are finally allowed to be you, and your loving it.

7:58 PM  
Blogger sipwine said...

Whats funny, is I have the outter "Rockstar" shell and an inner "Homemaker" shell. GH has the outter "Nice Guy" shell and has the inner "Rockstar" shell. We match well

10:00 PM  
Blogger Sunny Delight said...

methinks you have a good one this time :-)

8:21 PM  

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