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The Documented Ex's

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
"I asked a boy, for a few kind words... he gave me a novel instead."
It’s been a long weekend.
It started off quiet, and I was happy about that.
It ended roughly.

*I’ve not talked to my mom since Saturday because she tried to convince me that an ex-boyfriend of mine was a good guy (which I have solid can-never-be-argued proof that he isn’t)
*I’ve received lots of random text messages from Matt.
*I got a big blast-from-the-past after unwillingly having to communicate with not one, but three ex-boyfriends (one is Matt, one is NOT the ex listed off to the side, and one is NOT the before mentioned mom-one) in one day.
*My gay boyfriend’s dad died, very suddenly and unexpectedly
*I could not go to see BB King because my eyes hurt
*And to top it off sex is bad because of my mindset from the above. (I mean bad as in, non-existent which I feel REALLY bad about… which probably doesn’t help)

That’s why I haven’t blogged lately.

Between ID and GH, I’m feeling much better.


Blogger Wanderlusting said...

Well, GH seems like a great guy, I'm sure you are more concerned about the no-sex than he is. He knows things happen and would probably rather you deal with all this first and get better. When you are in better spirits, you'll be up and running in no time.

Sigh. Funny how the most powerful sex organ is the mind, isn't it?

10:02 PM  
Blogger sipwine said...

MBIC: you were right :)

Wanderer: Mind is everything, I agree. Usually I don't want to even have sex with a guy unless I find him intellectually stimulating. Dumb guy = turn off.

1:48 PM  

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