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The Documented Ex's

Thursday, November 09, 2006
I went to a local coffee shop yesterday to study.
5 people called me during that time.

The way the coffee shops are laid out are as follows:

Greek restaurant is next door to Cafe Royal
Cafe Royal is next door to Village Coffee shop
which is on the corner
Down the next street next to Village is Vienna coffee shop
next to Vienna is Cafe Moka.

Why they decided to do this, I have no idea
How they all manage to stay open is a bigger mystery.

Above the Village coffee shop lives Matt.
Matt hates Cafe Royal and Vienna, and gets coffee once an hour at the Village.
I chose Cafe Royal as a safe bet.
Too bad they have big windows and he decided to get liquor.

It wasn't a big deal.
I was sitting reading, when suddenly it felt like someone was looking at me.
I glaced at the window and sure enough Matt was standing at it grinning.
I smiled back, and walked outside.
"What's up swiss miss?" he said.
"Just studying, and trying not to get distracted." I said.
"Wanna smoke?" he said.

So we smoked.

I chit-chatted idly with him.

I know most have said he wants me back, and believe me when I say I believe you.
Just last night, I kind of felt like he was relieved he didn't have to deal with me anymore.

Since I broke up with him by telling him that I loved him. (did I tell you that?)
He's been wary of emotion every since.
When he was talking, he said "Whoa, swiss miss, you are getting way to emotional for me." (which i didn't think i was, since we were talking about the weather)
And he said, "Well, you know me, I reel them in and dump them." (when we were talking about him picking up girls at the bar last saturday)

It was just a very odd conversation, that ended with me wanting nothing more than to go back and study.


Blogger Wanderlusting said...

Just thank your lucky stars you aren't with him anymore. It's encounters like that that makes you appreciate it (though I know you've probably appreciated it since the day you broke it off).

I went back and reread that post (of you guys breaking up). It amazed me that he just let you go. After 8 months?? I don't care if he's "afraid of commitment" when being/sleeping with someone, you CARE about them after 8 months. Unless he never cared all along. Pisses me off. I personally think, when someone doesn't know if they love you after 6 months, then there is major trouble. When he's 50 and alone because all chicks are still too emotional, it'll hit him then. Not that anyone would care anyway.

Although I am getting quite emotional about the weather. If it rains anymore, I'm going to cry!

5:09 PM  
Blogger Indiana said...

These little random encounters are what shows you that you really have moved on.

But looking eagerly towards studying is just sad.

8:20 PM  
Blogger sipwine said...

Wanderer: Actually, the thing that hurt me most when we broke up was how easily he let me go. I was well prepared for it. I was already at the verge of moving on with someone else. But still, part of me wanted to hope that he would suddenly realize what he was doing.
I actually really appreciate your comment . Thanks :)

Indy: I think I was moving on before we actually broke up. But yea, studying at least was calm and quiet.

11:51 AM  

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