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The Documented Ex's

Monday, November 27, 2006
Long Weekend.
Thanksgiving went well.
Friday I went home to my parents house.
Saturday I came back.
Saturday I went out with ID, NG, SY, and RHM.
GH came to hang out briefly, pounded two drinks, and left.

When I got home, he called me, he wanted to say goodnight.
I was dealing with drunk ID, NG, SY, and RHM.
I said sure, come on over.
He did.
When he arrived, he was very drunk.
I realized at that point that I was just hurting him. I wanted evenings to hang out with my friends, and I wanted evenings to hang out with him. Sometimes together, sometimes not.
He wanted togetherness all the time.
I knew I couldn't give him that, and I knew he wasn't going to be happy with me and my ways of doing things.
I told him I'd talk to him tomorrow.

The next morning, I went over to his house.
I told him how I felt, and burst into tears. I'm not a girl who cries much, and I think that he was more upset that I was crying, then that I was breaking up with him.
I said to him that I was upset to spend every waking minute with him, that I needed time away, that I wasn't ready for this kind of commitment. He understood, and asked why we couldn't just have it that way.
I told him that I was also miserable every time I told him I was leaving to go out with friends, because he looked as if he was a puppy that had just been beaten.
At this I burst into tears again and told him that I just couldn't handle hurting him repeatedly.
He understood.
He still came over that night and helped me make christmas cookies.
And I think he wasn't as upset as I was, which in turn, made me feel less upset.


Blogger lady miss marquise said...

I hope the best works out for you...

3:48 PM  
Blogger Wanderlusting said...

Wow. How did it turn out? Sounds like you obviously don't want to break up with him, just that you need your own space.

I've been the opposite at times, which I guess is more expected (although not welcomed) with women than with men. But if GH is anything like me, he won't give you that puppy dog face after this...I mean, he may give it to you as a reaction as just realizing he won't be with you (which isn't a bad thing) but within a few minutes everything on both sides will be fine and you both will get on your seperate lives with problems...I hope this for you, anyway.

6:55 PM  
Blogger Indiana said...

So let me get this straight, and to further prove that I really am a dog, QSW is single...~grin~

Truly I am sorry that the "space" you needed was not there, I hope it continues to get easier for you.

(but hey, you are single ~bigger grin~)

7:01 PM  
Blogger sipwine said...

LMM: Thank you, i think it will

Wanderer: I think this is the same case as with you. GH and I have already hung out and talked after the break up and I think we will be better off this way.

Indy: Yes, I am single with lots of space, and as RHM puts it, "Open Season, QSW." I haven't bought a drink in 4 days.

7:29 PM  

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