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The Documented Ex's

Friday, December 01, 2006

Sneaky little hobbitses.

Cigarettes today: 2
Weight: 125 lbs
Number of phone calls before 10 am: 3
Number of text messages before 1 pm: 19
Number of drinks had last night: 1
Decisions made:
1. Do not pick up when Matt calls until Sunday. (Matt seems to want to move quickly)
2. Go see King Tut at Field Museum (He's only there until January 1st)

QSW tries to get ahold of RHM all morning to talk to her more about going to see King Tut at the Field Museum.
Finally she calls back.
Cousin's wedding, can't go.
QSW will not be able to see him. (lots of sadness)

Matt calls.
QSW does not pick up. (Applauding herself)
NEW voicemail.
No rules were made to QSW about listening...
Matt invites QSW to meet his parents (second attempt, first one QSW freaked out on) and to go and visit King Tut while we are there.


Drums fingers. (helps the thought process)
Soooo tempting. (like the apple and the snake)
Free too. (poor college student, which wealthy man wants)
QSW does not pick up the phone and call back. (don't be fooled, she has a week to decide, therefore can hold onto rule about not picking up the phone for Matt.)


Blogger Indiana said...

Babes you just have to go with your gut, but I am a big believer in once it's gone, it's gone...

Oh, and the Tut exhibit at the field was a real disappointment, and that's coming from someone with a Degree in Egyptology.

9:11 PM  
Blogger sipwine said...

MIBC: I know how you feel. The Matt and GH situation isn't about them as much as it is about me. I'm very independent. I want certain things but for the most part i'm pretty low matience. When i broke up with Matt, the relationship was fine, I just knew he wouldn't ever commit emotionally with me. When I broke up with GH, I knew he'd never let me have my nights alone, and away from him.

Indy: You aren't the only one with that idealistic view point. I know several people with the same thought. Then I also know several hopeless romantics. It makes the whole thing confusing. I'm sorry to hear about the exhibit too, maybe I just won't go...

8:22 AM  

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