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The Documented Ex's

Friday, December 08, 2006
I'm dating Matt again.

RHM is happy because it means I'm getting laid (happily) again.
FN is happy because he thinks that Matt has really changed and he can see I'm happy.
ID is happy because he got one of his "drinking buddies" back.
SY is NOT happy. Period.
My Mother is happy because she was heading to Chicago this weekend and is happy to have someone at her disposal that can give her good advice on where to eat.
My brother doesn't care one way or the other.
MW and MM are extremely happy and cannot wait to meet up with us to eat dinner.

And I, well, I think I'm the only one with my head screwed on straight.
I am very happy right now, but I'm still wary of my happiness. I refuse to rush.
I'm not going to "test" Matt or be a ninny female.
I haven't asked for anything more from him, because frankly, I don't want anymore.
He gave me what I asked for and I stopped at that.
But he's changed a bit towards me.
And thats what I'm wary of.
He told me he loves me, and I honestly believe it, but it seems like he wants to prove it to me or something...

Old Matt:
1. Had his time, and if I called during his time, then tough luck, he'd call me when he was done.
2. Rarely touched me in public
3. Would pat my leg affectionately, or run his hands through my hair, but that would be the extent of physical affection outside of sex.
4. Would never mention me visiting his home or hometown... ever.
5. Would go for days without talking to me.
6. Oral sex visited me less than Aunt Flow.

New Matt:
1. If there is a rare occasion that he can't answer my call right then and there, he'll call me back as soon as possible and explain in full detail where he was and what he was doing without any prompting or asking on my part. Most of those phone calls end with me saying something like, "Its ok, I was just seeing if you were free for dinner, if you aren't, it's really not that big of a deal."
2. Touches me in public now, in fact, will sit amongst his friends with his arm around me smiling.
3. Has a habit of kissing me. Most of the time it's on the forehead or on the lips when I leave. Except for yesterday when I woke up in the morning coughing(I'm sick). After I finally stopped, I told him I was dying, which made him roll over and start kissing my neck. After a good 2 minutes of him doing that, I made him stop saying it was his beard tickling me.
4. Has mentioned several times about me coming home with him. He even asked what I was doing on New Year's Eve. Granted this is all talk, and it probably will never happen, but still the talking on his part is crazy.
5. He calls me now just to say "hi." ("I'd only call or go over there if I "happened to be on the way home" or "could you do me a favor?" the list goes on and on...")
6. Oral sex is not a stranger to me anymore.

Changed man? Don't know
Wants to be in my life? I think that's a safe bet.
Reasons for wanting that? No idea.
Guesses? My one and only guess is the fact that he has more wedding invitations on his fridge than he does pictures. And most of the pictures he has are of his nephew. And while I don't think he wants to get married or have kids any time soon, I have a feeling that "being alone" isn't such a great thing to him anymore.


Blogger Wanderlusting said...

Well like I said before, some people do happens to everyone that you don't realize what you've got till it's gone. Luckily for Matt, most people don't get second chances.

I hope it works. Old Matt did sound like a real jerk. Yet, Old Matt was almost too much, you know? Like his whole "anti-emotional" thing felt forced. No one is that devoid of emotions and you are probably finding out now that the Old Matt was probably just afraid to let it out.

Good to be cautious though (esp so soon after GH) but it's nice for you to be happy too!!

2:35 PM  

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