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Cast of Characters

Guitar Hero Irish Drinker Married Man Married Woman The Ex Not Gay Seven Years Matt Fabulously New Red Hot Mama 

The Documented Ex's

Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Date.

I agreed to go out on a date with Matt.

To be honest, I was going to say no, but his charm got in the way, and I found myself laughing at his attempts and then agreed.

The night of the date, I was getting nervous. "What am I doing?" was asked to myself more than once.
In fact this was the conversation I was having with myself:
"What are you doing, QSW? We tried this once. Do you remember? It didn't work out. He didn't want to emotionally commit to you. Remember? White Soxs were playing on TV and you were angry because you knew he wouldn't, but you were at the point where you had to try. You tried. He would rather watch the Sox. REMEMBER?! QSW are you listening to yourself? DO NOT THINK ABOUT WHAT KIND OF UNDERWEAR YOU SHOULD WEAR!? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? I DON'T CARE IF HE'S GOOD IN BED, YOU WILL NOT LET IT GET THAT FAR!!"

My brain won, sort of.
I didn't let it get that far.
My brain didn't win on the emotional level, though.

The next night I went out with my friends.
They wanted details.
While we were chatting and laughing, GH showed up unannounced.
It was ok. I know he was hurting, I chatted with him and my friends.
My phone rang with a text message.
Matt: "I'm heading to Harry's, I didn't know if you wanted to come along. It'll just be Mike and myself."

I was sitting in Harry's.

I let out a brief sigh. Par for the course.
Even if I didn't want drama, I was going to get it.
I started chatting with my friends again, whatever, Screw Drama and it's Ugly Head that pops up whenever I don't want it too.
15 minutes later, GH decided it was time for him to go. He left, still no Matt.
My friends were leaving, one at a time, and a new set was arriving.
The new set didn't want to sit upstairs.
So we all moved down.
I sat down and a few minutes later, I felt a hand at my neck, it was Matt apparently he had been sitting downstairs for awhile.
Whew again.
After a time, I went to Matt's table to talk.
He had had a few, and said to me "Your brother hates me."
I laughed, because this was coming from a man who normally didn't care what anyone thought of him. He was serious, and honestly worried that my brother hated him.
Then asked if my parents hated him as well.
I just stared in disbelief.
"What happens when they meet me? Will it show that they hate me?" he said.
"Meet you?" I thought.
He was talking about a hidden desire I had, that I refused to believe would ever happen. Yes, I wanted him to meet my parents. No, I had never pressured him too. I had never even offered. I had never alluded to it.
What he was saying was completely thought out by himself.
While I was sitting there reassuring him that my parents barely knew of him, let alone, hated him, He suddenly said, "I almost lost you, what is wrong with me? How did I let the last 3 months happen? I have way to big of an ego."
There was no ego now.
I saw what high horse he had climbed down from.
He was genuinely upset with himself.
My mouth opened and closed like a fish.
I had no idea what to say to him, because I was on completely new territory.

Finally I mustered up, "Are you pregnant?"
In which I got a huge smile and a huge kiss in the middle of Harry's.
He wasn't one of public affection either.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Quietly Sipping Wine is single.

Second Chances?

Right now Matt and GH both call my phone constantly.

My friends think it's hilarious, I just wonder why.

Matt never knew about GH. He has no idea I dated him, or broke up with him.
Just about 3 weeks ago, showed up at the same bar as me, telling me he made a mistake, and has honestly tried to be in my life again.

I try to stay the fuck away.

GH and I broke up last Sunday. Since then, he's called me just-as-much as when we were dating. Most of the calls I don't answer since all he wants to do is say "hi."

I try to stay the fuck away.

Since day one of my dating career (can I use the word "career" here? it seems like I get better and better at my job of finding a significant other) I've been told not to give second chances. For good reason. If it doesn't work out the first time, why would it work out the second? But two men call me every day thinking to themselves that a second chance is all they need.

When I talk to my friends about it, most don't have an opinion one way or the other. And some friends, like MM and MW want me to give second chances (MW wants Matt to be back in my life so badly that she's called me every day to ask if I've talked to him).

I think I'm going to turn off the phone, shut down my e-mail, go to the library, find a good book, and pretend my dating career never existed.

I think I'm giving myself sound advice too.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Long Weekend.
Thanksgiving went well.
Friday I went home to my parents house.
Saturday I came back.
Saturday I went out with ID, NG, SY, and RHM.
GH came to hang out briefly, pounded two drinks, and left.

When I got home, he called me, he wanted to say goodnight.
I was dealing with drunk ID, NG, SY, and RHM.
I said sure, come on over.
He did.
When he arrived, he was very drunk.
I realized at that point that I was just hurting him. I wanted evenings to hang out with my friends, and I wanted evenings to hang out with him. Sometimes together, sometimes not.
He wanted togetherness all the time.
I knew I couldn't give him that, and I knew he wasn't going to be happy with me and my ways of doing things.
I told him I'd talk to him tomorrow.

The next morning, I went over to his house.
I told him how I felt, and burst into tears. I'm not a girl who cries much, and I think that he was more upset that I was crying, then that I was breaking up with him.
I said to him that I was upset to spend every waking minute with him, that I needed time away, that I wasn't ready for this kind of commitment. He understood, and asked why we couldn't just have it that way.
I told him that I was also miserable every time I told him I was leaving to go out with friends, because he looked as if he was a puppy that had just been beaten.
At this I burst into tears again and told him that I just couldn't handle hurting him repeatedly.
He understood.
He still came over that night and helped me make christmas cookies.
And I think he wasn't as upset as I was, which in turn, made me feel less upset.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
I forget that even though my mom knows me best, and knows most about my life, it's still hard to tell her new things about me.

Typical conversation:

Mom, I'm pregnant with Sadam Hussian's twins.
Mom: OoooH! Look at the squirrels, do you usually have many squirrels?
Me: Uh.. yes.
Mom: Ooooh! A brown one! Oh look there is your father. I gotta go bye.
Me: (slapping forehead repeatedly)
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Betty when you call me, call me Al

I arrive at Harry's.
Time: 5:15 pm

...Two white russians later...

Time: 7:33 pm

My cheeks are flushed.
I'm having trouble breathing.
I decide to leave.

FabulouslyNew said he'd walk me out because he was tired too.
I left IrishDrinker, NotGay, and RedHotMama all in the bars.

I went home.

GuitarHero called me and asked where I was.
I forgot I was suppose to hang out with him.
I told him I was sorry, and said I was going to lay down.
He didn't sound happy.

I laid down in a dream-like state.

The next morning I woke up to find a missed call from RedHotMama.
Her message was simple: "Hey, I think I've reached whore status, we need coffee and time to chat, call me back, bye."
I get to the office.
FabulouslyNew is there.
He's grinning.
"What?" I asked.
"Did RedHotMama tell you?"
"Tell me what?!"
"About last night?"

I decided FabulouslyNew was being too coy for his own good.
I walked away.
FabulouslyNew followed and baited me again.
"About IrishDrinker?"
I whirled around and stared at him, the bait worked.

Proud of himself, he simply said, "IrishDrinker and RedHotMama hooked up last night."
"Made out hooked up? or Hooked up, hooked up?" I asked.

He said,
"Well, I guess you could say they did both."

QuietlySippingWine's world is getting too close for comfort...

Ye Local Pub

MW just tracked me down on campus.
She was crying when she finally found me.
She hugged me.
Taking a deep breath she said, "I'm pregnant"

Harry's Chocolate Shop
This evening around 5, FN and RHM and I are going to sit down at Harry's and discuss life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.

Harry's is a long time bar that many, many college students have sat and drank at (including both of my parents). Most of my wild tales from the S.O. days were from this bar, and after the S.O. days were over, I tried to stay away from this bar because I coined it as "Matt's Bar."

Today, I do not care.
Personally, I believe that Matt would never set foot in a bar much before 11pm so I'm not worried about running into him. And I need a place to drink strong drinks, and be merry, so Harry's is it.
I think I'll even go home and get my t-shirt.

Just so I can be completely non-classy.

There are those days/weeks where wine just isn't going to do it.

Independant vs. Dependant

The Independent Man:

The Independent Man will never come when you call.
He will have his friends, and you'll have yours. Sometimes you'll hang out together, sometimes you won't.
He will have his time, you will have yours.
He will always be there, if you've had a bad day or need to talk, but if you've had neither of those, then you should respect his away time from you.
He will have his own personal interests that he doesn't expect you to share.
He will say "I love you" only on rare or special occasions.
If you are with him, he will expect you to use your head and not react so quickly to things he might say to you.
If you've had a long day, and just want to cancel evening plans with him, he will gladly do so, as long as you give him the same respect back.

The Dependant Man:

The Dependant man will be there on a moments notice.
He will want to share part of his life with you.
If you've had a long day at work, you can expect flowers or a meal ready for you when you get home.
He will always want to sleep beside you, even if you've had a bad day.
He will make future plans with you and hold to them as long as you are in his life.
He won't find that talking about future baby names is scary.
If you aren't home when you say you will be, he will get worried and call around to try to find you.

Pros and Cons:

Dependant Pros - You never have to worry.
Independent Pros - You can be yourself around him.

Dependant Cons - Suffocation
Independent Cons - Disappearing

Who are you? Which would you choose? Do people switch back and forth?
Monday, November 20, 2006

Late night.... popcorn

So Friday night I went to see Casino Royal with GH.

I walked into that movie thinking that I'd be really disappointed with the new James Bond, but I walked out realizing how wrong I was.

Saturday night I went and hung out with ID.

While I was there on saturday night ID asked what I had been up too. I told him about seeing the movie and he asked,

"Did you cut a hole in the popcorn bag for him?"

For a few minutes I just stared at him. Then I told him that there was a perfect good hole at the top of the bag if he wanted popcorn.
It was ID's turn to stare at me before he said,

"You nitwit, the bottom hole is so you can jerk him off while the movie is playing."

Is this what men fantasize about? Here I was thinking the salt and butter were something I'd never want around my gentials, but ID appears to feel differently.

I learn so much from men.

The Devil # 8

*Or more appropriately "The Wrap Up"
The Devil # 1
The Devil # 2
The Devil # 3
The Devil # 4
The Devil # 5
The Devil # 6
The Devil # 7

My one and only one night stand resulted from my revenge to him.
He idolized one TA that we both had. He told me while we were dating how much he liked this guy and how he wanted to be like him.

I had no problem getting an invite over to the TA's house.
In fact, I think he was thinking about it before I asked if I could.
I had my one night stand with him.
Ironically 8 months after I did that, I started dating the TA.
He is now the "EX" over at the side bar.

The next night, after I had it, I called The Devil.
His future wife was out of town with the baby, visiting family.

I slept with him, cold and empty, it was the last time I would do this.
The next morning I woke up, we still had class together, so I woke him also.
He got up, proud of himself, and stretched.
"I'll let you know when my girlfriend is out of town again." He proudly said.
"Don't bother," I retorted, "I won't be sleeping with you again, because the TA was much better at it, and actually knew what to do with his huge cock."

It felt like ten minutes went by before it actually registered with him what I had said.
"He's better?" was all he could say.

Stab One.

He stormed off to the shower saying a lot of empty things that didn't matter to me anymore. I stood up, put on my clothes, and picked up his phone.
I scrolled down to "Danielle," which was her name, and called her.
Her mom answered and told me she was in the shower.
Then asked "Who the fuck was this?" which I said... "The girl that The Devil just slept with."
She was quiet for a minute. And during that silence I said, "My number is ### ####, if Danielle would like to call me back and talk more."

I hung up.

I was putting on my shoes when The Devil came out of the bathroom.
He was still trying to get me to come over so he could "Prove me wrong" because last night he was "tired."

I rolled my eyes and left.

About 15 minutes after I did so, Danielle called me.
I told her everything.
She was shocked and hurt.
She was the only part of my revenge that I didn't want to do. I knew what I said would hurt her, but if it had been me, I would have wished someone would say something about the man I was planning on marrying.
She actually thanked me by the end of the phone conversation.

I hung up with her, and skipped my class with him.

Around 9:30 he called me... outraged.

Stab Two.

"She said she won't let me see my kid for a month because of you!" he screamed.

Stab Three.

"She said she isn't going to marry me anymore." he screamed again.

Stab Four.

"You act like I care." I said, and then hung up the phone.

Stab Five.

By the end of the day I had 114 missed calls just from him.
I watched girly movies and ate chocolate.
A part of me that I thought was gone forever grew back that day.
I stood up for myself and won.
They say revenge isn't the answer, but I can't forsee fixing myself in any other way.

Don't worry about him, either.
He now has a vasectomy.
He is now married to Danielle.
He has a beautiful daughter named Allura.

...And he still calls me to this day.

I never pick up, unless it's to threaten him that I still have her number. Which I don't. But he doesn't know that.
Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Devil # 7

The Devil # 1
The Devil # 2
The Devil # 3
The Devil # 4
The Devil # 5
The Devil # 6

If you are still reading my blog at this point, I thank you.

The Devil finally did call me.
A month after it happened.

Wanted to "check" to see if I was alright, and he wanted me to meet his daughter.
I don't know if it was me wanting to match his arrogance, or if I really wanted to see his daughter, but for whatever reason I said "Sure."

When I arrived, his future wife (he proposed to her while he and I were still dating)was gone and it was just me, him and his daughter, who was asleep in her crib.
We chatted for a few moments in whisper before he motioned me back to a different room so we could talk.

The bastard had motioned me into the bedroom.
Right about the time I was going to say some smart ass comment about how "appropriate" this was, he tried kissing me.

I blocked it, stared at him in disbelief, turned and left.

Letting me know that he still wanted me was his biggest mistake.
It was at that point I realized I was going to get revenge.
Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Devil # 6

The Devil # 1
The Devil # 2
The Devil # 3
The Devil # 4
The Devil # 5

It wasn't until 2 weeks after that, that I found out I was pregnant.
He wasn't careful when he told me he was.
He didn't tell me he already had a kid.
He lied, a lot.

I freaked out.

I sobbed for hours.

I made the choice that I didn't want it.

That took a week of deciding.

I made the choice regardless of what people would think of me.
(I even know I might lose some of my fellow bloggers with this story.)
I couldn't be tied to that man the rest of my life.

When I told him, I didn't tell him my decision. I just told him what had happened.
He threw a shoe at my head, called me a slut, and told me he knew it wasn't his.
At this point, I could only cry harder, but I wasn't surprised.

He pushed me out of his house, and would not answer my phone calls.
I had to face everything by myself.
I had only one friend who helped me through this, and loned me part of the money.
She helped, but didn't agree with my decision.
So we are no longer friends.
I think until my dying day, I'll always owe her something for all of her help.

But I bet she's never had to walk a mile in my shoes.
Friday, November 17, 2006

The Devil # 5

The Devil # 1
The Devil # 2
The Devil # 3
The Devil # 4

Needless to say, my birthday was horrible.

I recovered well enough by the end of the week.
Of course, thats when he called.

I answered. I talked to him. He apologized. He said he still wanted to be there for me. He still wanted to help with my calculus, he still wanted to go to the labs together to work, he still wanted a part of my life.
Still wounded, I agreed.

About a week after that phone call, I asked if I could come over for calc. help.
He said yes.
I showed up, talked with him for a bit, and then he started helping me.
He had to go to the bathroom.
I walked to the door to his room.

There on his desk, was a baby bottle.

Heart pounding, I walked slowly back to the couch.
When he walked out of the bathroom, my face said it all.
He pretended he didn't notice.
The selfish bastard.

I made him talk to me.
He tried denying it at first, until he saw that I wasn't buying it for a minute.
He confessed to getting a girl pregnant.
He confessed to knowing about it when we started dating.
He confessed to getting a girl pregnant on a one night stand, and only later finding out she was still in high school.
He confessed his grandfather wasn't even ill.
I just sat there shaking.
Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Devil # 4

The Devil # 1
The Devil # 2
The Devil # 3

Christmas Break came.
We went home.
I talked to him on the phone occasionally.

December 31st, I was almost killed in a car accident.
It was 11 pm and I was on my way to a friends house to count down the hours.
A drunk driver swerved in the road, and almost hit me.
I drove off into a ditch to avoid him.

Shaken and needing to talk to someone, I called him.
He actually yelled at me because I called him while he was in the hospital.
"Hospital? What happened? Why are you in a hospital?" I questioned.
He told me that his grandpa was dying of cancer and he had a relapse in kemo.
Apologizing I hung up.
I called my friend who came and got me.

I got back up to school almost two weeks later.
He was excited to see me.
That was January 12th.
My birthday is on January 15th.
I figured he didn't remember with his grandfather's problems in the hospital, so I reminded him, and told him that with his money problems, and emotional problems, I'd like a quiet night of just the two of us and some rented movies.
He agreed.
I also told him at this time, that while I was home I forgot one of my birth control pills.
"Be careful" I said.
He agreed.

A few days later, it was my birthday. Excited about it, I woke up and asked him what time we could get together that night. He stared at me and told me he couldn't.
"What?" "Why?" I asked, I was worried about his grandfather.
"There are some things about my life you'll never understand, and for that I'm sorry." was all he said back to me.
I asked about his grandfather and asked if he was going home to see him.
For a brief moment he looked confused.

I asked if there was someone else.
He said no.

I asked if he just didn't want me any more.
He said no.

And then immediately apologized and said he was sorry this was happening on my birthday.
He got up to go shower, and sat there stunned for moment, before numbly getting up, getting dressed, and quietly slipping out the door crying.

That night he wouldn't answer my phone call.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Devil # 3

The Devil # 1
The Devil # 2

Another week went by and it was Thanksgiving break.
Originally, he said he was leaving on Wednesday to go home, and told me I could ride with him.
(I lived 45 minutes south of him, and my parents were going to meet me in his hometown)
Tuesday night, he suddenly became very antsy to go home.
When he asked why, all he could say was that he was tired of the town that we were in.
He looked very annoyed with me, but since he committed to driving me, he told me he'd drive me all the way to my town.
He acted annoyed all the way there.
He kissed me very quickly goodbye, and left.

I thought to myself, "I will not let him ruin my vacation."
And then very firmly put him out of my mind.
It wasn't until I was about to leave to go back (I had a different ride) when he called me.
Apologetic and excited to see me, he wanted to know the instant I was back in town because he had a "surprise" for me. He said it was for being such a jerk on Tuesday.

I got back into town, and he had made me dinner, and bought flowers.
It was very sweet.
Again, It sufficed for the time being.

It wasn't until Christmas break that shit hit the fan.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Devil # 2

The Devil # 1

On the third month of our relationship I started noticing a change in him.
I could never put my finger on it other than it seemed that without doing much, I has some how become a bother to him. When I tried to talk to him all he would say was that everything was fine between us and that it was in my head.
I finally believed him because I exhausted every other effort to try to find out his mysterious behaviour.
Right about the time I stopped asking, was when he started disappearing.
He would get off work at 8pm, and then disappear until 8 am the next day when we would have class together.

I knew something was up at that point, and I assumed he was cheating on me.

I lived with that for 3 weeks before sitting down with him.
He had disappeared 6 times in those 3 weeks, and he went "home" for one of those weekends.

"I don't want to see you anymore" I said.
(A very hurt expression crossed his face)
"Why?" he asked.
(A very disbelieving expression crossed my face)
In my calmest voice, I explained to him about his disappearing acts, and his change of behaviour and I also explained to him that I didn't believe for a second that he went "home" for the weekend.

Pleading with me, he told me that while he hadn't been completely honest with me, he was not not cheating on me. He said that he had to go home because he was trying to sell his other car because he had gotten into horrible credit card debt that he was trying to get out of. He told me that he was driving his car to perspective buyers on the other nights and that usually he was home around 12, if I wanted to start coming over then. He thought that up until now, that I was probably asleep by then, and that he didn't want to wake me.

I trusted him, and told him to start calling me whenever he got in, so I wouldn't worry.

He agreed and we continued our relationship.
Monday, November 13, 2006

The Devil # 1

One man in my life has sunk lower than the rest.

This is his story.

I started dating him when I was 20.
He was my first big relationship.
It was the first day of my sophomore year, I was in a Monday lab when he sat down beside me. I smiled and got to work, after a few minutes I felt someone looking at me. I looked over at him and saw him admiring my work.
"Nice website you're building." he said.
"Thank you." was all I could reply.
We chatted idly for a few more minutes when he asked me if he could take me out sometime.
Flattered, I agreed and he punched my number into his phone.
I walked home smiling.

Two days later, he called.
He asked if that Friday he could take me out.
I told him the time he could, and where he could pick me up.
He asked if I liked to ride motorcycles.
I said I loved them, and he said to wear something warmer than usual.
He showed up 15 minutes early, and acted very happy to see me.
He had only one helmet which he promptly gave to me, and away we went.
He went out to eat at a nice German restaurant and then went to a movie afterwards.
Standard date, until after the movie where we rode around and stopped at different places to "see the view."
I think everytime we stopped was solely for the purpose of another chance at maybe kissing.
He seemed to want to very badly.
I did too, but I didn't let on.
It was I who broke our misery.
When he dropped me back at my place, I took off the helmet, handed it to him, and while he was transfering it to the other hand, I moved in and kissed him.

The chemistry was undeniable.
The next three months went by very quickly, and I remember some of the happiest times of my college career from them.
Friday, November 10, 2006

I talk about Matt more now than when he was just SO.

I think this is the last Matt-Post for a long while.
I went out with SY, ID, and RHM.
We were all relaxing at our favorite bar when Matt showed up.
He went and sat with some people I recognized as co-workers.
Didn't see me.

I made no move to get up and go over and say hi.
ID just gave me a look.

When the night was getting near ending, I looked up from a story that RHM was telling to see Matt standing at our table. Not only did he say hi, but he shook hands with ID and SY and gave RHM a cigarette and then settled into our table.

They all seemed happy about it.

I was not.

ID shot me a look right after RHM left that said, "End this now, or I will."
I nodded.
ID got up said he was going to walk home, and almost grabbed SY by the collar to shove him along too.
SY looked like he wanted to drink more.

It was Matt and myself.
Before I could speak, Matt said, "Last night was probably the most fun I've had since August when we broke up."
QSW: Wow, I thought the break up was horrible, I'm glad to hear you had a good time.
Matt: (giving me a look that said he didn't appreciate the sarcasm) You know what I meant.
Matt: Too bad you had to get all shitty about the text messages "Booty Call" and all.
QSW: (my turn to give a look) Oh my god.
Matt: Oh yea, I'm bringing it up.
QSW: It was at one thirty in the morning, and I apologized the next day, and you were probably drunk off your ass, because that was the only time in the 8 months we were seeing each other that you ever showed emotion.
Matt: I was stone sober.
QSW: It doesn't matter. What is this Matt? What do you want with me right now? Do you truely want to be friends? Do you want me to be happy, with someone else? Or do you only want to be happy with me? Because if that's the case, then thats too bad, I've already moved on.
(I felt like a psychotic ex girlfriend at that point, but I had had just enough beer to not care)
Matt: I honestly want what is best for you, I'm glad you are happy now. I realized at some point that what I did was stupid, but you had me freaked out. And when I freaked out, I wasn't thinking. I wasn't the guy for you, I'm married to my work and I wasn't making you happy, and if you've found happiness now than good for you. (he said the next part with a twinkle in his eye) Of course, he won't be as great as me. I mean, look at me QSW, you cannot find a face like this on this campus.

I rolled my eyes at that statement, and I felt better. I talked with him another 15 - 20 minutes and then headed home. He said a lot of sweet things to me, and I took them all with a grain of salt. I looked at it as, "If he couldn't be sweet while we were dating, then he's probably has some other motive now." But even as I said I had to go, he told me one last thing,
"QSW, I won't find another girl like you for years. I'm really sorry if I hurt you, I didn't want too."

I said thanks Matt, smiled, and walked away.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
I went to a local coffee shop yesterday to study.
5 people called me during that time.

The way the coffee shops are laid out are as follows:

Greek restaurant is next door to Cafe Royal
Cafe Royal is next door to Village Coffee shop
which is on the corner
Down the next street next to Village is Vienna coffee shop
next to Vienna is Cafe Moka.

Why they decided to do this, I have no idea
How they all manage to stay open is a bigger mystery.

Above the Village coffee shop lives Matt.
Matt hates Cafe Royal and Vienna, and gets coffee once an hour at the Village.
I chose Cafe Royal as a safe bet.
Too bad they have big windows and he decided to get liquor.

It wasn't a big deal.
I was sitting reading, when suddenly it felt like someone was looking at me.
I glaced at the window and sure enough Matt was standing at it grinning.
I smiled back, and walked outside.
"What's up swiss miss?" he said.
"Just studying, and trying not to get distracted." I said.
"Wanna smoke?" he said.

So we smoked.

I chit-chatted idly with him.

I know most have said he wants me back, and believe me when I say I believe you.
Just last night, I kind of felt like he was relieved he didn't have to deal with me anymore.

Since I broke up with him by telling him that I loved him. (did I tell you that?)
He's been wary of emotion every since.
When he was talking, he said "Whoa, swiss miss, you are getting way to emotional for me." (which i didn't think i was, since we were talking about the weather)
And he said, "Well, you know me, I reel them in and dump them." (when we were talking about him picking up girls at the bar last saturday)

It was just a very odd conversation, that ended with me wanting nothing more than to go back and study.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Alpha Phi Omega Overnighter is next weekend.
It’s a time to get away as a chapter, do a service project (which is usually raking leaves or painting something), and get to know the pledges.

My dear brother is in charge of Overnighter this year and he wrote a letter to all of us:
(I'll highlight the things that are actually real-life and not his imagination)

Hello my Minions,

Soon it shall be overnighter, and my quest for complete Logan domination will be in effect (Camp Logan is where it is at). All of you need to be there or I SHALL GIG YOU WITH MY MIGHTY GIGGING POWERS (gigging is when you get negative service hours on your record)!! (Unless you fill out an excuse form… they are my kryptonite.) Also, if you are free for the service part of overnighter but can’t make it to the rest and therefore were thinking of skipping overnighter all together, Don’t do this. Talk to AJ or Me. We have plans for you. Yes, diabolically genius plans. For the rest of you, be in the office on November 1lth at 8:18 in the morning. We will be leaving from there and stopping at McDonalds (yes plural… one can not handle all of us) on the way up for lunch. So bring money for lunch!! Just because you are my minions, doesn’t mean I’m buying you food!! If you show up late, you won’t get the standard denim jumpsuit and white fedora. Keep that in mind. The theme is “Blast from the past” Bring appropriate dress. Also bring your laser blasters. They shall come in handy against the armies of girl scouts we are sure to encounter in our march for victory. It may be quite cold and wet for overnighter or it could be sunny and warm. Check the weather. Also bring work gloves, Don’t forget your camouflage fatigues, face paint, k-bar daggers, cyanide pills, pocket language translator, teddy bear (standard issue), box of matches, bottle of Tylenol, 1 glazed donut, spare batteries for radios, tin foil hats, and non-dairy creamer. God help me if you forget the non-dairy creamer.
Asparagus hunt you and me in our dreams, sweetly plotting their green vengeance. Only the mushrooms can save us now.
-VP Membership
World Dominator
Megalomaniac Extraordinaire

Sometimes, he's just too far out there for even his own sister.
"I asked a boy, for a few kind words... he gave me a novel instead."
It’s been a long weekend.
It started off quiet, and I was happy about that.
It ended roughly.

*I’ve not talked to my mom since Saturday because she tried to convince me that an ex-boyfriend of mine was a good guy (which I have solid can-never-be-argued proof that he isn’t)
*I’ve received lots of random text messages from Matt.
*I got a big blast-from-the-past after unwillingly having to communicate with not one, but three ex-boyfriends (one is Matt, one is NOT the ex listed off to the side, and one is NOT the before mentioned mom-one) in one day.
*My gay boyfriend’s dad died, very suddenly and unexpectedly
*I could not go to see BB King because my eyes hurt
*And to top it off sex is bad because of my mindset from the above. (I mean bad as in, non-existent which I feel REALLY bad about… which probably doesn’t help)

That’s why I haven’t blogged lately.

Between ID and GH, I’m feeling much better.
Friday, November 03, 2006
The great thing about having an office in an old police station is:

One: You can see out your office, but people can't see in.

Two: You can check your hair before walking into your office.